Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm just going out for a moment by Michael Rosen

I'm just going out for a moment
to make a cup of tea.
because I'm thirsty.
because it's hot.
because the sun's shining.
because it is summer
because that's when it is.
why don't you stop saying why?
Tea-time. That's Why.

some small poems

The world is full of elephants

The world is full of elephants
The baby ones and taller ones.
African elephants have great big ears,
the Indian ones have smaller ones.
-By Gavin Ewart

The Lizard

The Lizard is a timid thing
that can not dance or fly or sing;
He hunts for bugs beneath the floor
And longs to be a dinosaur.

-By John Gardner

Children, children everywhere by Jack Prelutsky

Children, Children everywhere
Children dark and Children fair,
Children of all shapes & sizes,
Children springing odd surprises,
Children chasing, running races,
Children laughing, making faces,
Children cooking mud for dinner,
Children, every one a winner.

Children jumping, Children wiggling,
Children grumping, Children giggling,
Children singing, sneezing, weeping,
Children sometimes even sleeping,
Children giving Children hugs,
Children chewing worms and bugs,
Children in their parents' hair,
Children, Children everywhere

Night Ride by Celia Warren

when I can't sleep
I shut my door
And sit on the rug
on my bedroom floor.

I open the window
I close my eyes
and say magic words
Till my carpet flies

zooming over garden;
chasing after bats
hooting like an owl
and frightening the cats.

then when I feel sleepy
And dreams are in my head,
I fly back through my window
And snuggle down in bed.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Peacock : Poem written by hardi

Peacock, Peacock
Have a crest on head
and the color of eyes is red
in running they are so fast
and in flying they are last!

-By Hardi Trivedi